Albert Einstein once said: “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”
We need to Re-member that we are in charge of our human experience. We have access to wonderful energy of which we can mould our desired (or undesired) outcomes during this physical life journey <3
If you don't resonate with someone's idea or belief - don't absorb it! Get your own ideas. Get your own beliefs. It's YOUR choice. Always has been <3
Just because someone said "it" was true, doesn't necessarily mean it is! People need to think for themselves - feel for themselves - discern for themselves!
People don't need to "follow the leader". Everybody IS The Leader - so LEAD! Believe in yourself. Follow YOUR heart <3 Go with YOUR Flow <3 Trust in YOUR ideas and bring them into YOUR life <3
Be Aware. We are so much more than we might think we are <3 We are Powerful spiritual beings playing out our parts in physical form for a while <3 Make it count for YOU.
If "it" feels good, go for it :) If "it" doesn't feel good, don't :) Simples.
Much Love
~ Kelly