Going DEEP Into Law of Attraction
Posted by Kelly Flack on Thursday, July 21, 2011 Under: Inspirational

Dearest Reader,
I write this with excitement and Love for you. Here at PowerfulTools4Life you have learned the basics of Law of Attraction and boy O boy, tonight I discovered that there is WAY more involved and I want to share my experience with you.
Half an hour ago I got off Skype with a dear woman and friend that I met on Facebook ~ Hazel Moore. Even though Hazel lives all the way on the other side of the world, she has helped me immensely during our 2 hour conversation that we had tonight. I am almost in tears as I write this because now there is an inner KNOWING that I have, that ALL IS WELL and always will be.
You see, Hazel is a teacher of Spiritual Development, Healing, Past Lives and a clairvoyant psychic medium. Now being a subscriber to Powerful Tools, we all know that thoughts create emotions, and emotions, in turn, create an energy, whether it be a "good" energy or a "bad" energy. Ok, so we already know that part BUT, did you also know that we can carry around "frozen" emotions from the past?
Yeah I know. Holy Moly right? Well it sure was for me! Hazel took me back to a time when I was 2 and a half years old. I said "But Hazel, I cant remember anything before the age of 5", so Hazel closed her eyes and took a sneak peek on my behalf. FAR OUT!
Hazel saw the 2 year old me. She described the people around me (living the only way they knew how to at that time) and she described what I was feeling (the 2 year old me). Anyway, I immediately felt that feeling deep inside of me. I had never identified with it before but there it was, here it is, staring me straight in the spiritual face (so to speak). And Wow! This is such a strange, weird and yet wonderful feeling. I have it. I know what it is and now I have the ability to shed my light and love on that "frozen" feeling and then let it go, simply let it go. No more frozen "2 year old Kelly feeling" inside of the woman that sits here right Now. All gone!
Now I don't know what a million bucks feels like, but I FEEL LIKE A MILLION BUCKS! Im on top of the world. Nah, I'll better that feeling and pinch a quote from Leonardo Dicaprio and say "Im the King Of The World". WoHooooo!
So Dear Reader, you KNOW about law of attraction and how it works BUT have you ever given any thought to feelings from the past that might be frozen in time within your Self. It's time to step up to the plate, embrace them, and then let them go. I'll tell you what, I feel as light as a feather right now. Geeez I sooo wish you could feel this way too. I wish the entire planet could feel what Im feeling right now. (OK, now Im rambling)
But hey, I still have so much more to learn. Its just that a new doorway has opened up in my life and it leads to a beautiful world with a trillion possibilities (and then some)
So LOA is not just working from the thoughts and emotions that we have right now, but also from the deeper parts of us, maybe from feelings that we didnt even realise we captured, and held onto for many, many years. Please do yourself a favour and just talk with this woman. I guarantee that you will NOT be disappointed. You can talk with Hazel on Facebook
and visit her website for alot more details. And, as always, you can talk with me too. We're here for you and together, we will make this "Now" experience The Greatest Show on Earth.
Oh I Love You so much.
Have a spectacular Now Dear Reader xxxx
~ Kelly
In : Inspirational
Tags: spiritual past lives clairvoyant healing psychic medium
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