
Posted by Kelly Flack on Thursday, March 3, 2011 Under: Inspirational


The curtain of night unfolds like a story never to be told. The secrets that are hidden forever, in depth, alone and unveiled.

So many thoughts unspoken, so many aspirations unlived. Life.

One step, a guide to the unspeakable, the step of fate. Destiny, dreams, ambitions.

Am I set forth on this earth to conquer all that I wish for and empathise with in this game that so many humans choose to play?

How come so many beings across this world that we share together collaborate during this game of life? ~ Upsetting people with others horrid thoughts of brutality, racism, religion, race and dispair of loss. Loss of another to whom one could mean so much but to the unspeakable, an empty silence of nothingness.

Is it not right to share the feelings and opinions from government to government, where the 'higher ranking humans', who glow in all their power and chance of free speaking, can share our thoughts with others in other countries?

Us. Why can we be so much to all that know us, but then be hidden away, locked up ~ our thoughts, feelings and opinions about this earth that we live on, from the higher ranking humans?

One cannot see the salt in ones tears or the flesh in one's heart but we are all equal.

Why can others not understand the simplicity that could be so easy to grasp, if only another would listen.

Written in 1996 by Kelly Flack ~ I feel this is a good time NOW to post this :)



In : Inspirational 

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