The Journey
Posted by Kelly Flack on Saturday, August 22, 2009 Under: Inspirational
January 2009 the seed was planted. Abraham tells us that to manifest a house, the journey is the most important thing. This is not about manifesting a house however. This is about an adventure, a journey, that I took with my family. January found me surfing the net for a holiday home on the beach that allowed dogs too. We found the perfect place.
A spacious brick home with a swimming pool that overlooked a park that sloped gently down to the golden sands of Moffat Beach on the Sunshine Coast. $550 for seven days of divine bliss practically at the waters edge. We could definately handle the one minute walk from our front door to the edge of the shore where the surf rolled up onto the glistening sands. 24 Bryce Street allows dogs and Moffat Beach does too. Perfect for our little family.

The seed was planted in January as I booked the holiday. We knew for sure that this was going to happen. It was an absolute certainty as the deposit was paid and the holiday was booked. Maybe to manifest a house, we should pre-book that in our minds too. We lived life and each month he calendar page was flipped, getting us closer to the row of seven highlighted boxes on the page that said "August"
We shared little bursts of excitement each month as we were intuitively reminded of what adventure was soon to come. As I write this I reflect on the words of Abraham when they speak of manifesting a house, and I realise that the journey will not begin when we get into the car for our trip to the coast. The journey has already begun and it started when the seed was planted in January. Just like manifesting anything I suppose. It all starts with one seed, one thought planted in the mind. It's nurtured with excitement and belief until the day comes when you are actually living the dream.
The calendar was flipped to reveal the month of August. There were those highlighted boxes. They had been there all year just waiting for us to catch up with them. Each morning was greeted with a little happy dance. Tiny squeals of excitement found us pulling suitcases out from wardrobes a week before hand in preparation of our trip to come.
What will we need up there? What shall we pack? The mind was racing with all the activities that we could do together. Swimming togs, towels and sunscreen for swimming, warm clothes for early morning strolls along the beach. Dogs leads, toys, food and games all found there way into the cases. We were taking action so we could do all the things that we visualised in our mind. The car was checked for our safe trip ahead. All packed, we excitedly headed toward our destination.
Here we are - living the dream. And here I am on day 4 of our adventure. I started writing this at 5.30am as the red ball of fire poked its head over the horizon. We watched the dawning of a new day. A day filled with infinate possibilities and opportunities galore.

The birds wake up with a wonderful song. A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song. Today I will sing my song. I will hold hands with my husband as we walk barefoot along the golden sands. I will beam with love as I watch my children squeal when their little toes get wet from the ever moving flow of the ocean. I will throw a stick for my dogs as they rush into the water to fetch it and bring it back to play again as they wag their tails with enthusiasm. Together we will play games, explore rock pools, absorb the sounds of the waves continuously crashing upon the shore and inhale the fresh salty air and smell of delicious bar-be-ques.
This place is magnificent. All of the rooms are spacious. The shower head is a miracle in itself and offers a wonderful refreshing shower. Thw swimming pool area it so peaceful and relaxing and as for the gardens... Oh the glory of the gardens. I marvel at the beauty of red, yellow and green foliage. I see plants that I have only ever seen before in pots at a garden shop and yet these tower over the paperbark trees in magnificence. Everything wants to be more. I am in awe.
I have only one thing left to say. Pre-book it! That holiday, that house, the car, the partner, that job. Whatever it may be. Pre-book it in your mind. Plant that seed! Nurture it with excitement and belief until the day comes - and it will come - when you are actually living the dream.
In : Inspirational
Tags: manifesting abraham-hicks holidays visualize "law of attraction" journey
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