The Magic Money Growing Formula

Posted by Kelly Flack on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 Under: Techniques and Exercises

Money can been seen as a 'stress' to many people. As a
subscriber, this is why you have learned to 'check-in' with
yourself. It is important to be aware of how you are feeling
and what you are thinking, get rid of those negative thoughts
and change your perspective to look at circumstances in a
positive way.  It is now time to apply your new found
awareness, feelings and thoughts in association to money.

A friend of mine, Song chengxiang sent me this email and it is
too good to just keep it all to myself. People  need to know
these things. I hope you get alot out of it. The email I
received is as follows.

Quantum Mind Power Newsletter
Exclusive *Insider* SECRETS
to Transform Your Life FOREVER

Hey kelly

Song chengxiang is here.

I am going to share with you a technique I call "The Magic
Money Growing Formula"!

This is one of the most effective techniques that I have
ever used to multiply my own wealth. I know it will work for
you as well as it has magically worked for me.

The idea is simple, and you can start using it as soon as
you finish reading this newsletter.

Over the years, it has become a habit of mine to use this
technique on a day-to-day basis, until it has become second
nature to me. And I guarantee you that if you apply it
consistently enough, it will create *wonders* in your
financial life.

Ok, now relax a little bit. I want you to recall the last time
you spent some money. Imagine the picture vividly in your

Were you paying for your food in a restaurant?

Were you shopping in a supermarket?

Or were you paying your monthly bills?

It can be any scene that involves an outflow of money from
you. Now recall the feeling that you had at that moment.

What I want you to do now is to go back to that scene, and
pretend it's happening right now.

What are you feeling?

Most of time, we are unconscious of our feelings, and that is
why we are unconsciously attracting the things that we don't
want. If you want to solve your money problems, you have to
bring awareness to the feelings that you have about money.

If you have a shortage of money in your life right now, I
guarantee you that the feelings you have when you spend your
money are not going to be particularly pleasant, and sometimes
it is very painful.

That said, the question I want you to consider is this: Which
is the cause? Does the shortage of money cause the painful
feeling? Or does the painful feeling cause the shortage of
money? Well, either "yes" or "no" answer is right. They both
are causes and at the same time they both are effects.

This is a vicious circle that goes round and round, and it
will never end until you consciously break it. You have to
make an effort to break it if you want to finally make your
financial dreams come true. If you are constantly struggling
about money issues, you have unconsciously fallen into this

That's why I want to bring your awareness to the feelings
you associate with money. The first step to freedom is always
awareness. When you are aware of the feelings, you have the
power to change them. And I am going to tell you how.

But first, I want you to note your feelings every time you
think about money.

Now, take out your wallet. Look at how much cash you have,
then take note of your feelings. Does it trigger a feeling of
lack or a feeling of abundance? Does it trigger a painful
feeling or a pleasant feeling?

This simple exercise alone is awakening. You will realize
clearly that the rich associate money very differently from
the poor. That's why the rich get richer and the poor get
poorer. When you realize the difference, you can choose to be
rich or to be poor, it is all within your reach.

But the first step is to realize there is a world of
difference in the way that the rich feel about money and the
way the poor do. And then it's up to you to choose which group
you want to be in.

The Law of Attraction has become very hot due to the release
of "The Secret". Everyone is talking about the Law of
Attraction, but how many people are actually consciously using
the Law of Attraction to their advantage?

Unfortunately, most people are using it in reverse. If you
have a lack of money, that is evidence that the Law of
Attraction is working for you in reverse. I want you to really
take a deep look at your life when it comes to money. You're
dealing with money everyday.

When you go to a shop, when you go to a restaurant,
or even when you are at work, you are constantly thinking
about money. If your financial situation is not a pleasant
one, you will notice most of the time you are worrying
about the lack of money.

Remember, the Law of Attraction is always at work. If you are
sending out a signal of "lack", the universe will respond by
giving you more "lack". Whatever you ask, it is given to you.
That is the promise of the universe.

When I say "ask", I don't mean verbally ask. Your words
don't count that much to the universe. What counts are your
feeling signals. The more lacking signals you are sending out,
the more lack you will see in your world. The only way to
change that is to change your feeling about money. It's simple

Don't worry, it's never too late to make the change, and
you do have the power to change at any moment Here's how...

As you practice what I am going to share with you, you will
gradually change your feelings about money, and the effect is
enormous. Expect a big surprise.

Ready for this?

Here's what I want you to do: Each time you deal with money,
whether you are spending money or you have any encounter with
money, think of that figure, multiply it by 10, and expect
that amount to come back to you.

Let's make this a bit clearer. Suppose you are shopping at a
supermarket, and you spend $100. As you take out that $100
note from your pocket, speak to yourself mentally: "I give
thanks that 10 times this much is on its way - coming back to
me now. Thank you, thank you, and thank you."

Simple enough? Let's see how powerful this idea is, and
how it is absolutely going to bring you riches.

In our previous example, as you took out the money from
your pocket, your original, habitual thought was that you
had less money, which means, you would have more lack of money.

You now know that this negative thought is going to bring you
negative results with money. So you are now going to replace
it with a better thought in which you expect more money coming
back to you.

You've not only broken the vicious circle of attracting lack,
you have also offered a new thought of growing. Instead of a
painful feeling, you have now associated spending money with a
pleasant feeling of expecting growth.

What the universe sees is that you are now having a pleasant
feeling with spending money, and it will keep you in that
pleasant state by giving you more money to spend.

Does that make sense to you?

The universe only cares how you feel, and it will provide
more evidence and support to keep you in that feeling state.
This is how the Law of Attraction works.

Another thing I want to emphasize about this technique is the
power of 10.

The number 10 has a magical multiplying power embedded in
itself. See it as a seed for growth. In fact, this is beyond
explanation; nobody can explain scientifically why it has so
much power in a number. I personally believe that the number
10 as a symbol for growth has been embedded in the collective
consciousness of human beings throughout evolution.

Fortunately, we don't need to know why this is in order to
make this technique work for us. The rule of thumb is that you
should always expect 10 (or 10x10) times more whenever
you deal with money.

Whenever you get a receipt from buying anything, look at that
amount, and expect 10 times more to come back to you. Whenever
you take out your wallet, look at how much money you have
there, and expect 10 times more to come to you. Whenever you
check your bank account, look at the amount of savings you
have there, and expect 10 times more come to you.

You get the idea: whenever you think of money, use the power
of 10 to make it grow.

And remember to give thanks to the universe. Your gratitude
adds more power to this simple technique. I must warn you
though, don't let the simplicity of this technique fool you.
The difference between the rich and the poor is a series of
small habits. There isn't a magic pill that is going to make
you rich by tomorrow. You've got to do your work to make small
changes one at a time. As you do, you will quickly see the
difference in your life.

That's all for today!


To your success

song chengxiang

"Your partner for success,
peace and happiness"


I hope Song's email has shed a little more light into your

Song Chengxiang is the author of popular online
ebooks "Rapid Manifestation" and "The Lost secrets of
Manifestation". His words have helped thousands of people
greatly change the quality of their lives and manifest
their true desires easily and effortlessly. He has recently
developed a powerful mind programming system- Quantum Mind
Power, with a top brainwave entrainment Engineer Morry
Zelcovitch. Check out this amazing new system and get a
FREE 5 part Quantum Mind Power ecourse

Quantum Mind Power - Song's Program


In : Techniques and Exercises 

Tags: "song chengxiang" "magic money growing formula" money wealth technique financial unconscious "vicious circle" awareness wallet purse rich poor "the secret" "law of attraction" "lack of money" universe growth "power of 10" "collective consciousne 
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