There is no "right way" or "wrong way"
Posted by Kelly Flack on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 Under: Inspirational

We are multi dimensional beings living in a multi dimensional
universe. What may appear one way to you, could appear totally different
to another.
If it has been "thought" of, it has
been created and since it has been created, it exists, simultaneously,
with all other thoughts that have also been created. Hence, there is no
"right way" or "wrong way".
This can be likened to
the person who sees the world as a struggle and the person who sees the
world as abundant. These people absolutely believe in the realities
that they have created for themselves ........ and living here, on this
planet earth, we get to see two different people having two totally
different experiences and yet they are both living on the same planet.
It's really quite fascinating.
There is no "right way" or "wrong way".

We are all here to create as many "thoughts" as possible, as far as the mind can imagine ~ so open your mind. Create! Think differently. Think possibilities. Imagine the unimaginable for it ALL must be experienced.
You see, we are all individual portions of Source energy that are here to experience as much as we possibly can to expand Self and Collective <3
Lets take an egg for example ;) An egg can be scrambled, baked, fried, poached, boiled, whipped, beaten, split, mashed, raw, eaten, drank, and many other ways that have probably not entered my awareness as yet. ..... and that's just an egg!

Imagine if that egg was laid and that is all it knew. It "Is" an
egg - and that is all it "Is". ........ but as we see, with different
experiences, the egg is SO much more.
People, on
the other hand, have a 'choice' as to the kind of thoughts they want to
be creating, which leads to the types of physical experiences they want
to be having in their 'reality'
Don't judge the
egg for being scrambled when all you want is boiled. Maybe the egg
hasn't had the "boiling" experience yet ..... but believe me, there ARE
eggs out there that HAVE had the boiling experience. Instead of judging,
just realise the IS-ness of it all. Scrambled Is scrambled, and that's
what it "Is", and that's ok :)
If you just want to
be around "boiled" all of the time, maybe you should be asking YOURSELF
a question. Why do you keep hanging around with "scrambled" when you
can have "boiled" just by changing your thoughts? And if it's because
you actually enjoy hanging around with "scrambled", at least allow them
to enjoy their own experience - just as you are <3
It just "Is" ~ and it's all good ;)
can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only
their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on
the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path."
— Paulo Coelho
— Paulo Coelho
Much Love
~ Kelly xx
In : Inspirational
Tags: eggs judgement allowing isness
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