"Listen" to your Inner Guidance. If it doesn't "feel" right, don't do it! It really is that easy.
The whole "inner guidance mumbo jumbo" is actually Inner Guidance Fact, and the funny thing is that deep down inside, you already "know" this!
Going by "gut feelings" work! Listen! Play with this! It is so much fun :)
When you start playing with your inner GPS, you will start to realise that when you are doing, saying or thinking something and it "feels" bad to you, watch out, because you are manifesting something to do with that particular vibration. Bad vibes = bad stuff.
However, when you are doing, saying or thinking something and it "feels" good to you, watch out, because you are manifesting something to do with that particular vibration. Good vibes = good stuff.
..... and by "stuff", that could be materialistic stuff, relationship stuff, job stuff, kid stuff, lifestyle stuff, spiritual stuff and any other stuff you can think of
Sooo, whatever the stuff may be ~ what ever you are doing, saying or thinking about the stuff, just be aware of your inner guidance, for it will always give you what you ask (vibrate) for and if you "listen", it will always lead you to where you want to go <3
Have fun ;)
Much Peace and Love
~ Kelly