Confucius once said ~ Where ever you go, there you are ...... and you know what? It's absolutely true!
If you are a "happy" person and live a "happy" life, you might find that you sometimes need to "get away". Take a holiday, change of environment ...... so off you go :) You leave where you are and arrive at a new place of where you are also. You are still you and if your "happy" nature continues, the new place of Where-You-Are, will also be a "happy" experience.
The same also goes for if you are a "grumpy" person and live a "grumpy" life, you might find that you sometimes need to "get away". Take a holiday, change of environment ...... so off you go :) You leave where you are and arrive at a new place of where you are also. You are still you and if your "grumpy" nature continues, the new place of Where-You-Are, will also be a "grumpy" experience.
Where ever you go, there you are <3
Some people feel that they need to get away from their current environment because of certain situations and/or because of particular people. Great! Go! Get away ....... and hopefully, while they are away, they will realise that if they continue to have the same mindset, the same vibration, the same expectations, they will continue to attract the same situations and the same kinds of people.
Where ever you go, there you are <3
I only hope that your experience is a wonderfully happy one.