This is a page where You can test out Your computer and/or Device compatibility with the online courseAudios, Videos And Word Document Access.

Test all 3 below!

Play this audio and read along

Compatibility Test.mp3



Hi, if you can hear this audio, you will also be able to listen to the audios that will be available during the course. The audios will read through the text for you so you can either sit back, relax and listen, or read along as well.
The course is designed so you can work through it at your own pace and at a time that suits you. This course will guide you to take a closer look into different areas of your life and get you experimenting with situations that could entirely change the way you look at things.
This is ultimately sacred self work and the more honest you are with yourself as you apply and experiment with the teachings you will have access to, the faster you will begin to actually 'see' positive changes begin to take place in your health, your relationships and your finances (just to name a few)

So you can hear the audio. That's great! Can you also view the video below?

Can you also access the  word document below?


That concludes your compatibility test for these courses. 

Go back to: 

Using Your Law of Attraction Online Course to change your outcomes in relationships, health and money

Everything Is Connected Email Course for Clearing and Balancing Your Chakras