How To Think About What You're Thinking About
A little exercise you could try today : Think about what you're thinking about during today. How? ...
Well, if what you're thinking about is making you feel "happy", keep thinking about things like that because that is where your energy is flowing
If you're thinking about things that is making you feel an "upset", then stop thinking about them because thats where your energy is flowing
Your energy will flow where your attention does go so be aware of what you are thinking about and how it is making you feel.
Be aware that you absolutely have a choice of how to feel in any given situation. Choose well - flow well - and see your life change for the better :D
When you consciously start making the decision to shift your energetic vibration to a lighter feeling, your outcomes in life start to change as well. Experiment with this.
We encourage you to become more aware of the way you are FEELING because that is your indicator of what you are energetically beginning to attract into your life. For example, when you are feeling angry, you will begin to attract more into your life to help keep you in the energy of "feeling angry".
On the other hand, when you are feeling happy, you will begin to attract more into your life to help keep you in the energy of "feeling happy"
When you become aware of your feeling energy, and you make the decision to change it on purpose, you will certainly notice things as they begin to shift in your 'reality' <3
Give it a go!