Welcome, welcome, welcome,

So there's a couple of things for you to do right now before you get back to your Mindset On Track email.

First of all, please fill in the self evaluation questionnaire below - it won't take long, and after you have sent it off to me, you can scroll down below on this page and book your first one to one session with me :) Please send off the evaluation first though because we cannot have your one to one until I have received your self evaluation form. Excellent!

Online form powered by Typeform

Great! Thanks for that! Now I can get to work for you :)

Second  of all, let me tell you how this works. When you click the "Book Appointment" button, a box will open up on this screen.

You will need to scroll down and under the heading "Master Class Progress Assessment" you will need to choose "One-To-One Assessment"

Next click on "Kelly" as the provider and then select a day and time - only between the dates specified in your email from this morning - select a day and time  from the calendar that you would like to have your session.  I will contact you to confirm your booking!

Book an appointment using SetMore