Self Healing Awareness
~ Using Your Law of Attraction ~

The term "self healing" is not to be limited to the health and wellness of ones physical body.
During these strategy sessions you will learn to apply self healing to all areas of your life from relationships, finances and health to being at peace with what is currently unfolding on our planet.
These highly charged sessions will have you implementing new strategies into your day to day living and ultimately, having you see your life and the world from a fresher, happier, calmer perspective.
During the "Self Healing Awareness Using Your Law of Attraction" Strategy Sessions you will
- be reintroduced to a wonderful energy that we ALL have access to and EVERYONE is using it in EVERY moment of EVERY day with their pointof attraction/law of attraction(whether they are aware of it or not)
- begin to lay new foundations for your mind
- discover the connection between vibrational thoughts and inner guidance (and how to use it)
- play with body language and conscious conversation and learn how to incorporate them into your life
- understand the power of asking 'good' questions
- learn some visualisation techniques and understand how they work
- take a close look at one area of your life and see how it has come to be the way it is
- expand your self healing awareness for health, relationships and money
- understand some ways of where your unwanted thought energies could have stemmed from
- play with the idea of shifting and releasing thought energies that no longer serve you
- consciously shift your vibrational energy when it comes to finances
- brieflylearn about what is taking place with our Sun and the world around us at this point in 'time'
- understand that everything is made up of vibrational energy and that like, attracts like, in all aspects of your life.
Come along and share a journey with like minded souls. Feel free to invite a friend along with you to share the experience.
These Strategy Sessions are also available as an online course . They will also continue to be held in person as below :)
Dates for this workshop:
Please check our calendar to see dates and times at a glance.
3 - 4 hour duration - Start times can vary. Refer to calendar at a glance.
is a 17 minute drive from Toowoomba CBD - Exact location will be provided upon deposit payment. A $20 deposit is required to secure your place. Balance can be paid on the day. To secure your place, Contact Kelly for payment details.
10 people maximum
Total Cost:
(or $55 when you show your *credit voucher from the previous workshop)
Provided for you at the strategy session: Information manual, workbook and strategies, $50* discount voucher to go toward Reiki 1 Attunement (*only if you have participated in the prior workshop as well)
Please bring: a pen, drink of water, lunch or snack,open mind
For more information about the "Self Healing Awareness Using Your Law of Attraction" Strategy Sessions, please contact Kelly with any questions you may have

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