The Spirit Science Video Series is easy listening and highly informative. The videos contain a wonderful amount of Awakening knowledge and are excellent to watch as adults and children alike. Obviously a great way to start discussions and ultimately, come up with your own ideas about Spirit and Science and what is currently unfolding throughout humanity today. I hope you enjoy the series as follows .....
You tube description: You can have, do, or be, ANYTHING you want. This week, Patchman dives into the unknown by discussing a very simple topic. Thoughts, Emotions, and the power that they bestow upon you. Or rather, how you can empower yourself to live in the moment by controlling your thoughts and emotions, and guiding yourself the way that you want to be guided, rather than allowing modern society to tell you how to feel and what to think.
At the end we discuss the work of researcher Masaru Emoto, an amazing being who has been diving deep into what it means to understand Water.
Just as you create your own reality, we are also co-creating our realities together. We are a collective! As a community, a city, a country, and a species, we decide where we want to go and how we want to flow. It is up to us to decide what happens next in the epic tale that is the human race, but change has to start from an individual level.
At the end we discuss the work of researcher Masaru Emoto, an amazing being who has been diving deep into what it means to understand Water.
Just as you create your own reality, we are also co-creating our realities together. We are a collective! As a community, a city, a country, and a species, we decide where we want to go and how we want to flow. It is up to us to decide what happens next in the epic tale that is the human race, but change has to start from an individual level.
You tube description: In this weeks lesson, we take a look at Chakras, and how your body picks up energy on a vibratory level. Last week, a few people didn't understand HOW thoughts affected you, but did you know that your body has a system for doing so? Everything is vibration, and if you study musical octaves, you see that all of the vibrations in existence have a harmonic pattern that they all flow through. The Chakra system is merely the exact same system that runs through your body. It picks up on all of the energies and vibrations all around you, as well as emits what your feeling to the universe through what we call "Aura's" (Not discussed here, but still very relevant).
Reiki is spelt "Reiki", for many a-people have asked about that.
Reiki is spelt "Reiki", for many a-people have asked about that.
Spirit Science 3 ~ Channeling
You tube description: Welcome to Channeling Revised! We've doubled the length of the video to get at what i REALLY wanted to get at in the original. Thing was, i wasn't able to translate the information in this way just yet, so i added a bit on later down the road to say more.
In this lesson, we talk about one of the methods to communicating with beings of consciousness both higher, and lower than ourselves. We also talk about animal communication and how you yourself can also do it.
Spirit Science 4 ~ Male and Female Energy
You tube description: As a standalone lesson, the topic discussed wont seem to fit into the bigger picture that is presented across the series of spirit science. If you're just watching this one, please check out lesson 6, 10, and 11 to better understand why Male and Female plays such an important role in Sacred Geometry.
This week we talk about two parts of an incredible whole, Male and Female. No, not gender, but energy. There are 3 parts to this one, First, Energy. Then we look at Brain Hemispheres, and then the Indigo Children and Super Psychics
Spirit Science 5 ~ The Keys of Our Past
You tube description: In this lesson, we cover 3 topics, ranging from alien life, all the way to the precession of the Equinox. Human history is more than we know.
Spirit Science 6 ~ The Flower of Life
You tube description: Hidden deep within our past, lies a secret that has been long forgotten. There have been various organizations throughout history that have protected its secret, The Masons for example have done just that. What are we talking about? It's the ancient secret of the Flower of Life.
Spirit Science 7 ~ Dimensions
You tube description: This week, Patchman takes you on a quest to understand the dimensional levels, and where we are on that scale. We also take a look at some Particle Physics, and touch upon Leonardo Da Vinci! Everything in the universe is frequency and vibration, this is scientific fact. This vibration is also infinite, and flows harmonically through octives. It works through colour, music, and even the Chakras!
Spirit Science 8 ~ Meditation
You tube description: This week, lets get Meditational!
Spirit Science 9 ~ Astral Projection
You tube description: To learn more about Astral Projection, check out Astral 101 on the Spirit Science Website!!!
This week we look at the phenomenon known as Astral Projection, and also other out of body states, dimensions, and even life and death! all wrapped up with a nice little surprise at the end :)
Spirit Science 10 ~ Math of God
You tube description: This week, we dive back into the Sacred Geometry pool to talk about spirals and sequences that all life strives towards, and at the end we look at the 2nd informational unraveling of the Fruit of Life.
Spirit Science 11/1 ~ Evolution
You tube description: In this lesson, we look at how our understanding of Evolution - when factoring in Consciousness and Sacred Geometry, can paint a picture of the future we are moving into. We are co-creating a reality together that allow for the transmutation of all negative energy into a bright and vibrant reality that we WANT to create - and we can do it together, and through Love and the Sacred Space in our hearts.
Spirit Science 11/2 ~ DNA Activation
You tube description: A popular question/discussion popping up lately is the nature of DNA Activation. How do you activate your DNA, and what does it mean to have Activated DNA at all?
DNA Activation is a reconnection of your original blueprints for life to a higher degree, and as you continue on your path of life you will connect yourself back to yourself deeper and deeper. The Answer of course lies in the connections made within the sacred space of the heart, which can be accessed by breathing, focusing on your heart (Organ & Chakra), and practicing unconditional love of ALL.
Love is not just an affection of another or a feeling you get, but a pure vibration that which everything resonates to at its core, and if one can feel from the space of the heart, one can truly know themselves. It is a choice, and if you choose to follow a path that is destructive, then you will continue to create exactly that.
Spirit Science 12 ~ The Human History Movie
You tube description: Today we bring you something special! Before you lies the entire collection of the Human History story which was previously spread across 5 episodes of spirit science! This special featured video is brought to you by a man named Andrew Golden, who has compiled all of these videos in 1080p for your viewing pleasure! Get out some popcorn and dim the lights, this is gonna be good!
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Our history is not what we think! Over the past few thousand years, we have warped our own history. Our versions of the past has been mistranslated, changed, altered, and skewed to fit our understanding of reality, and completely left our many things that we cannot explain. Today, we are going to look at an alternate version of our history, a version that was recorded across many ancient tablets and artifacts throughout time, which have only recently been uncovered. This story may be a little cosmic, it may not even be true, but you will have to decide that for yourself.
Join in the conversation, it's much more fun to talk about than what everyone else is talking about ;)
Based on the work of Drunvalo Melchizidek in the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.
Made with Love by many, many beautiful people in the credits of the movie. Enjoy everyone! We love you!
Spirit Science 13 ~ The Crystal Movie
You tube description: Crystals are MAGICAL!
We thought it was necessary to put together the Crystals parts into a movie like we did with the human history chapter. We've been pretty busy with our road trip and haven't had much time to work on Spirit Science, but there are a lot of things going on and its all beautiful! Enjoy!
Spirit Science 14 ~ Insights of Ascension
You tube description: 9 insights, 2 man/boys, one video and a a great amount of learning that we believe will bring you closer to vibrating at the level of the divine. Its almost like were rubbing an ascension salve on your cultural wounds. So Enjoy! the people! Kisses! ~The Atlantis King
This weeks lesson goes into the insights of ascension from the book The Celestine Prophecy, we highly recommend reading this book for those of you beginning your path or wanting new information, however in the mean time, here is the abridged version of strictly insights on the process of waking up, clearing your negative habits, and releasing them to the universe to vibrate higher and changing frequencies of time, space, and matter itself! See you guys next week! New videos every week!
Spirit Science 15 ~ Power of the Heart
You tube description: If you enjoy this, one of the most amazing resources is the book Living in the Heart. Check it out! :
As science looks more and more at the human body with greater technology, we have begun to come full circle in understanding what the ancients knew about the heart, the brain, and divine consciousness. What is the heart? Is it more than just a pump for blood? Or could the truth about its power be related to the essence of your entire being, and have a field of energy so great that it can transform not just your own being into that of light, love and happiness, but even those around you. What is the shining light of the heart, and how can you access it and gain the inner knowing of who you are and why you are here?
Spirit Science 16 ~ The Shift of Ages
You tube description: One of the most frequently asked questions we get asked is "What do you think will happen with 2012?". We thought the best way to shed light on the situation was simply to make a video about it! So without further ado, here is our 2012 video!
Spirit Science 17 ~ Universal Geometry
You tube description: Lets get back into some geometry, shall we? I know last week I said we were going to do a whole bunch of short mailbag questions, but I got really inspired and somehow churned this bad-boy out instead!
This week, we take a step forward to basics and look at the Universal Geometry behind all things, an expansion episode from Lesson 6 - The Flower of Life. From here, we'll be able to dive into topics such as the four elements, and connect some other discussions that we have previously discussed before to.
Spirit Science 18 ~ The Four Elements
You tube description: Were going to keep moving forward on our "Geometry Lessons" this week, and explore the basis of the Four Elements. Were also going to look at the basic systems of early Numerology in Sacred Geometry. 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's, and so on. (Which is very connected to the 4 elements as well).
We also look at Art as an expression, and what it means to say "Art will change the world". Looking at Art is no longer enough. We are learning to BE art, be the creation that you want to express. Such is the nature of the transformation we are going through today.
Spirit Science 19 ~ Cosmic Connections
You tube description: As the discussion of consciousness and universal "spirit" is evolving, there comes a time when we have to define what it is that were really talking about. A lot of people have asked "What is Spirit Science about?" and "What is this..some kind of New Age Religion?"
In today's video, we go into just that. What is Spirit Science? Today, we look at how EVERYTHING is connected, and we invite you to come and find the connections in your own life as well.
I also wanted to share the work of Jason Silva with you, who has put together some VERY powerful videos that rapidly expand your awareness and quite often blow one's mind. You can check out his website at
Thank you everyone for sticking with this series for so long, and motivating to continue to create and produce them :) I'm still having lots of fun with them, and there's going to be a whole flurry of new videos by Guest Artists very soon!
This video is something of a compilation of many ideas that we have talked about before, so I didn't go into a huge list of sources to check out. Instead, i invite you to check out the Resources Page on, and join in the discussion about what it means to be a being of light and life. You have more power and love than you really know, all you have to do is want to become aware of it.. you will :)
Spirit Science 20 ~ Water
You tube description: ~ NOTE FROM PATCHMAN - In this video I state that Science doesn't have answers to some questions which science DOES have answers to. I invite you not to get upset with these statements, but just allow them, there is a much deeper understanding that I am discussing here, and if you get upset at one particular sentence or two, you may miss the rest of the message. Thank you, and enjoy this short film about water ^_^
Water. What is it? We all interact with water, we're all made of water, and yet in science today we don't even really understand what it is. There are many questions about water and what it is that we really don't have conclusive answers too. Yes ~ Science has answers for many of these questions, and the thing is is that it opens up even more questions. Why do things happen in the way that they do? Why is it like that? What does it mean for the bigger picture.
For the message of this video is not to say that Science is having a hard time understanding something, but rather that there is an even larger understanding of Water and its importance for life that we can look at and be open to discussing. And even as a theory, these ideas make way for a grand understanding of what Life truly is.
It is actually a wonderful thing, because admitting we know little about something gives us an opportunity to find something out.
When we REALLY look at water (As we do in this video), we can see there is SO much more to Water than meets the eye, and the understanding of what it is can open up to something far grander than what we originally perceived it to be. Water is Life, and it is You.
The movie that this information + videos were from was called Water - The Great Mystery. You can find links to this documentary in the credits of this video itself. Watch the credits!!
Spirit Science 21 ~ Toroidal Flow
You tube description: The Torus is a fundamental geometry in the universe, and intimately connected to the essence of our existence. It demonstrates that Spirit and Science are One.
We would really appreciate if you share this video with someone you love.
Understanding Unity is understanding Infinity, Love, and All ~ Of which you are a part of. To truly get into your heart is to get into the source of your essence, and the source field of the universe itself. The evidence is in the experience, and those walking the path of self discovery and becoming a being of Love truly are beginning to realize exactly what this means.
The One is All, and the All is One.
Spirit Science 22 ~ EnLIGHTenment
You tube description: If there's one thing I've found in my life, it's that things are never quite as they seem. The rabbit hole goes infinitely small as it does infinitely large, and that the only true sanctuary from the mess we've made externally, is within ones own self.
Ghandi said "The Demons in this world are the ones in our own Hearts, and that is where all battles must be fought".
So this is a video about how pretty much every ancient culture and belief system believes not only that in Light there is Truth, Expression, Creation, and Love... and also that You and I too are of that Light.
We are the Universe!
We are Light Beings, Albert Einstein proved it with E=MC2.
(Everything = Energy = Light Manifesting as Reality w/ Density = We are Light!)