These group healing gatherings are held as part of a service to the people that have completed work with Kelly in either Reiki 1, 2 or Master degrees OR the Live Chakra EnergyHealing Program. Want to join in?
Everyone can learn to work with Reiki. Whatever your background you can join the Reiki 1 course for beginners where you will learn how to treat yourself and others. Reiki also stimulates our spiritual and personal development, deepening your intuition and opening your capacity for subtle awareness. Follow up courses will take your development further.
The attunement process provides a massive clearing out of blocked, stagnant and imbalanced energy and recharges the top four chakras completely so you can work with your spirit team connections in a more profound way. People use Reiki for personal reasons like helping self and family members to heal in certain ways, and some also venture out into using this as a business modality (help is available for that too) On completion of your attunement, you will be able to attend our free monthly Healing Gatherings in Toowoomba to build confidence in your energy healing abilities with new like-minded friends.
The Everything Is Connected Workshop gets you to dive deeply into yourself and pinpoint old thought patterns that no longer serve you and replace them with new and positive ways of being. You are taken through each one of your energy centres in great detail so you can completely understand HOW your life is being affected and WHY it is being affected in certain ways! - It's ALL you!
As well as being introduced to working with crystals, you will learn hands on techniques to clear and balance your energy centres as well as connect with your spirit team for help with healing of your self and others. An extremely powerful day indeed!
On completion of this workshop, you will be able to attend our free monthly Healing Gatherings in Toowoomba to build confidence in your energy healing abilities with new like-minded friends.
Learn how to create new thought patterns that will lead to positive outcomes in your life around relationships, money, health and yourself! During this workshop you will learn how to incorporate specific “law of attraction” related strategies into your daily life. You will learn about the subconscious mind, how to re-train your thought, how to use body language and conscious conversation on purpose and understand the power behind it. You will be given ways to lift your vibration when it comes to money and also ways to shift your perception around certain people and relationships in your life and so much more. Thoughts are energy and energy flows where your thought goes. This workshop will guide you to be able to use your thought on purpose so you can inevitably, reap the rewards of positive thought.
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